The main advantages and disadvantages of screw conveyors

2022-01-12 13:25

The screw conveyor is a kind of mechanical equipment that uses the motor to drive the screw rotation and push the material to achieve the purpose of conveying. Its main advantages and disadvantages are as follows:
The main advantages of screw conveyor:
1. The structure is simple, compact, and the cross-sectional size is small, which can be used in places where other conveying equipment cannot be installed or difficult to operate;
2. Reliable work, easy maintenance, low cost, only half of the bucket elevator;
3. The machine trough can be fully enclosed, which can realize closed transportation to reduce the pollution of materials to the environment, especially suitable for conveying materials with large dust;
4. When conveying, it can be fed at multiple points and unloaded at multiple points, so the industrial arrangement is flexible;
5. The conveying direction of materials is reversible, and one conveyor can convey materials in two directions at the same time;
6. Process operations such as mixing, stirring, loosening, heating and cooling can be carried out at the same time during material conveying.
The main disadvantages of screw conveyor:
1. During the conveying process of the material, due to the friction with the machine groove, the screw body and the stirring and turning between the materials, the power consumption is large, and at the same time, it has a certain crushing effect on the material;
2. In particular, it has a strong wear effect on the machine groove and spiral blades;
3. It is sensitive to overload and needs to be fed evenly, otherwise it is easy to cause blockage;
4. It is not suitable to transport materials containing long fibers and impurities.